Amazon Green

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Data about The SUN

Age Almost                                                                                                     5 billion years
Mean distance from earth                                                                               149 600 000 km
Period of rotation                                                                                            25 day at the equator
Diameter                                                                     1 392 000 km (109 x the earth’s diameter)
Mass                                                                            1 993 x 1027 tons (333 000 x earth’s mass)
Temperature                                                    15 000 000 C at centre. 6 000 C on surface
Energy radiation                                                         380 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kW
The earth receives                                                       170 000 000 000 000 kW

Solar Energy is so fundamental to the creation and sustenance of life that there simply would be
no life without the daily flows of the sun to the earth. Without solar energy the Earth’s
temperature would drop precipitously, becoming so cold and dark that the conditions that
nourish life and humanity would be absent. It was been estimated that 1,000 times more energy
reaches the earth’s surface from the sun every single year than could be produced by burning all
the fossil fuels mined and extracted during that same year.

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