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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Future Uses of Solar Energy

Of all the sources of renewable energy available to mankind in its pursuit of a sustainable future, solar power is a pivotal one. Plentiful, free and absolutely clean, the main challenge to fully tap its huge potential is to harness and distribute it. We have made considerable progress with solar power, but future uses of solar energy will be spawned by innovations still to come. At present, solar power is used in three main ways, that is, to heat air, water and space. Photovoltaic cells are also one of the most popular forms whereby sun energy is converted into power. According to the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy arm, there will be more breakthroughs in new materials, cell designs, and novel approaches to product development in photovoltaic research and development. Future uses of solar energy could include our mode of transportation and even clothing, which will be equipped to produce clean, safe electric power.

The department believes that in the future, use of solar energy will be ubiquitous because concentrating solar power will be fully competitive with conventional power-generating technologies within a decade. "Concentrating solar power, or solar thermal electricity, could harness enough of the sun's energy to provide large-scale, domestically secure, and environmentally friendly electricity, especially in the southwestern United States", it says. In theory, the electricity needs of the United States could be met by a photovoltaic array within an area 100 miles on a side.

Those researching future uses of solar energy are also looking at the ocean for clues. That is because the ocean is a natural reservoir of solar power. Therefore it could be used as a source for thermal energy. The challenge is to devise a way to extract warm water from the surface and cold water from the depths so that an ocean thermal plant could operate 24 hours a day. According to ENTER SOURCE, George Claude tested this hypothesis as early as 1930 in Cuba. Cold water from the pipe and warm water from the surface were pumped into a plant on shore. It produced 22KW when the water temperatures were optimum and 12KW when seasonal current fluctuation reduced the efficiency.

Another exciting possibility in terms of future uses of solar energy is that it will be used in an electrolysis process that separates the hydrogen and oxygen in water so the hydrogen can be used in fuel cells for transportation and in buildings. That would be a true double-whammy for the two of the cleanest types of renewable energy.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Pakistan to have first on-grid solar electricity generation system

The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is all set to establish first on-grid solar electricity generation system in the country during the current year to overcome energy crisis.

“This solar system and smart grid is becoming a reality in less than a year,” said PEC Chairperson Senator Rukhsana Zuberi, addressing a press conference Saturday.

She said the smart-grid system could make Pakistan self-sufficient in energy, as the country was rich in renewable energy resources, especially solar energy.

Harnessing such environmentally clean resources will save foreign exchange, create opportunities of billions of dollars for small investors and provide jobs, which are much needed for Pakistan’s job starved market,” she added.

She said the excess electricity produced would be added to the national grid through a smart meter.

She said the Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) had agreed to buy excess electricity on mutual decided tariff.

She said the government of Japan had extended a grant of 480 million yen to Pakistan under clean earth programme.

Two solar electricity generation systems of 180 KW each would be installed at the PEC and the Planning Commission for which the PEC was an implementing partner. She said the solar system would convert six-storey PEC building in the federal capital on solar energy by February 2012.

She termed the present energy crises as a mega opportunity to open tremendous jobs and business opportunities for every countryman. She said the promotion of solar energy utilization would bring plenty of jobs, business and investment opportunities for all the professionals.

She said ,”People can get their solar energy system connected with smart grid and produce electricity which can be used for domestic purpose and extra power may be transferred to the main grid which will generate income”.

We should encourage the people to put solar panels at rooftops of houses, connect them to the grid, make profit by selling electricity as well as reduce energy bills up to zero level.


Sunday, 24 April 2011

For an Alternative Energy Solar Power Fits the Bill (By Ryan Narendra

With all the drain on our natural resources going on, and the alternative energy solar power may just be the way we need to go for the future. All of us need to look into starting to use this type of power in some form or another. It does not matter if it just to heat the water in our houses, this alone could save on power and the money it takes to pay for it. This also would help use less fossil fuels, which are in danger of being overused to the point of total depletion.

solar energy efficiency
Many people are turning to this alternative energy solar to provide the electricity for their house. This alternative can generate enough electricity to run your whole house if you have the right equipment installed. Also through battery storage you can have electricity at night too.

The great thing about alternative energy solar is the fact that it is ever-renewing and cannot be depleted like the fossil fuels can. It also gives off absolutely no carbon emissions. This makes solar a very clean energy source to use. So whatever level that the solar gets used lessens the pollution that traditional power has always done.

Then with solar thermal energy your house can be made warm and your water heated. This work a bit differently than the solar panels do generating electricity but the end results are just as beneficial. This can save you money on your hot water and heating needs for your house. The systems work by either heating the air in your house in the daytime or by heating your water that is used in you house.

This type of solar can be used to heat a swimming pool too. Many people are afraid to have a heated swimming pool because of the cost of warming up the water. But using solar makes it quite affordable to heat your pool today.

You can also use alternative energy solar to do your cooking too. Solar cookers are being used more and more for people to cook outside with. This especially cuts down on carbon emissions given off from charcoal grills, smokers, and gas grills.

wind powered energy
You can always use the passive form of this solar energy to help warm your house. By letting the sun's rays into your house at the right time of day you can help your house heat up. This keeps the furnace from running so much, therefore using less power.

More and more uses are being found for solar energy today. The calculators, appliances, and other small hand-hand electronics are among some other uses being found for this energy. There are also solar power companies providing energy to cities and industries too across the planet.

You can plainly see in this article why alternative energy solar power is such a great solution for your energy concerns. If you have not already done so start using it in some form today, you will begin to see the benefits immediately.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Solar Oven

What is a solar oven or solar cooker? What is solar cooking?
We will shed some "sun light" on this relatively new subject and introduce the art of cooking your everyday food with the power of the Sun.
The science of solar cooking is not that new. It was first attempted on a controlled scale in the mid 1700's by French-Swiss scientist Horace de Saussure. These attempts were reported in the first-published study of solar cookers in 1767. Since that time though, relatively little has been accomplished in the field of solar cooking as far as feasibility and practicality for use on a large scale - until recently that is! Solar cooking has only really been of interest over the last twenty years. Much has been learned and applied in the field of solar cooking in these past couple of decades. There have been advancements made in the areas of commercially produced, quality, economical and practical solar cookers and solar ovens. Great strides have also been made in the area of distribution of solar cookers world wide. Solar cooking is a great alternative method of cooking in parts of the world experiencing a scarcity of solid fuels available for cooking.


Friday, 22 April 2011

Upcoming renewable energy events

Midwest Renewable Energy Association Energy Fair
Custer, Wis. - June 17-19

Illinois Renewable Energy and Sustainable Lifestyle Fair
Oregon, Ill. - Aug. 13-14

Lincoln Land Community College Renewable Options for Homeowners Series
taught by Bob Croteau
May 4 (solar thermal), 18 (solar electric) and April 1 (wind)


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Samsung Introduces Solar TV

Samsung continues to move forward in developing solar-powered electronics. It has already introduced a solar-powered video projector, cell phones, and cell-phone chargers, and now it introduces a solar-powered television. There won’t be any need to charge the television during the day or to worry about restricted viewing at night: The new LCD television includes solar panels that produce energy from ambient light in the room. The set is engineered to use very little energy, so it can operate completely free of the grid.


Why Solar is the Best Energy Solution

"The amount of energy the sun sends towards our planet is 35,000 times more than what we currently produce and consume. Some part of this energy — better known as solar radiation — is reflected back into space but a lot of it is absorbed by the atmosphere and other elements surrounding the inner atmosphere. This energy can be easily harnessed for practical purposes such as heating homes, lighting bulbs and running automobiles and even airplanes. The uses can be as varied as the uses of energy itself. And the great thing is that we are never going to run out of this massive energy resource even for thousands and thousands of years."


Flexible Solar Panels

PowerFLEX is made from thin-film photovoltaic Copper Indium Gallium DiSelenide (CIGS) solar cells. This CIGS solar material is the key to producing highly efficient solar panels that are lightweight and flexible. It is this quality that allows the material to be installed with significantly less hassle than standard polycrystalline silicon panels that require racks. The PowerFLEX material can be quickly and easily rolled onto any flat roof, covering it entirely if required without needed the additional space racks can take up. The lightness also helps to allow them to be installed without the same compilations that can occur with the polycrystalline silicon panels.


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The Future Of Solar Energy

Solar Costs May Already Rival Coal, Spurring Boom in Panel Installations

"Solar panel installations may surge in the next two years as the cost of generating electricity from the sun rivals coal-fueled plants, industry executives and analysts said.

Large photovoltaic projects will cost $1.45 a watt to build by 2020, half the current price, Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimated today. The London-based research company says solar is viable against fossil fuels on the electric grid in the most sunny regions such as the Middle East"


Monday, 11 April 2011

Power Generation in Pakistan


How to generate solar power for the home?

To generate solar power for your home you will require a solar panel, or more than one depending on the amount of electricity you intend to use.

The most popular and accessible usage of solar power is when used to heat water. Solar hot water heaters can help vastly in lowering your electrical consumption.

Always consider the placement of your solar panels to absorb as much sunlight as possible throughout the day. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, so that when the sun reflects off the panel a reaction will take place enabling the sun’s energy to transform into electrical energy.

Some electrical knowledge will be helpful if you want to start a project alone, otherwise seek advice from someone who does.


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Data about The SUN

Age Almost                                                                                                     5 billion years
Mean distance from earth                                                                               149 600 000 km
Period of rotation                                                                                            25 day at the equator
Diameter                                                                     1 392 000 km (109 x the earth’s diameter)
Mass                                                                            1 993 x 1027 tons (333 000 x earth’s mass)
Temperature                                                    15 000 000 C at centre. 6 000 C on surface
Energy radiation                                                         380 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kW
The earth receives                                                       170 000 000 000 000 kW

Solar Energy is so fundamental to the creation and sustenance of life that there simply would be
no life without the daily flows of the sun to the earth. Without solar energy the Earth’s
temperature would drop precipitously, becoming so cold and dark that the conditions that
nourish life and humanity would be absent. It was been estimated that 1,000 times more energy
reaches the earth’s surface from the sun every single year than could be produced by burning all
the fossil fuels mined and extracted during that same year.

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