Solar Household Energy (SHE) strives to unleash the potential of solar cooking to improve social, economic and environmental conditions in sun-rich areas around the world.
Over half the world's population currently relies on wood, charcoal or other biomass for daily cooking, leading to respiratory diseases, economic hardship, environmental degradation, and carbon emissions. Solar cooking with modern solar ovens such as the "HotPot" developed by SHE, when included as part of an integrated cooking solution, offers a practical, affordable, and sustainable alternative. Since 1998, Solar Household Energy has worked with governments, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to promote solar cooking and introduce it in developing countries through projects that distribute solar ovens and provide training for users.
We invite you to join us today in our efforts to spread the news about solar cooking and get it to those who can benefit from it most.
Solar cooking for the Haitian/Dominican border SHE has recently partnered with The Nature Conservancy to introduce solar cooking in Tilori, Haiti near the Dominican border as part of a larger program aimed at reforesting areas denuded for charcoal production and fuelwood for cooking. SHE combined Global Sun Ovens manufactured locally in the Dominican Republic by El Fuego del Sol with fuel efficient Envirofit stoves to offer a 24/7 integrated cooking solution for this community. Training sessions and follow-up were provided to the participants to help them learn how to use their new cookstoves.
More HotPots for Sudanese refugees in Chad After a few months of solar cooking in the Gaga refugee camp in Chad, the Sudanese refuee recipients of HotPots distributed by Solar Household Energy at the request of U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) were relieved to have an alternative to having to purchase fuelwood or risk the dangers of collecting it outside the camp. They said they wished that every woman in Gaga could have a solar oven. While not yet a reality for all 20,000 residents, SHE is now partnering withAfricare and UNHCR to distribute HotPots and providing training and follow-up for an additional 200 households in the camp.
- Solar-fried Chicken in the Dominican Republic:
Solar Household Energy has joined with a new partner, Grupo Jaragua, to distribute solar ovens in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, in order to reduce the use of wood and charcoal for cooking fires that has seriously damaged the forest cover of the island shared by these countries. DR non-profit organization, Grupo Jaragua (GJ), provides solar cooked lunches everyday at its community center in Oviedo, demonstrating how easy and tasty solar cooking can be. GJ’s chief solar chef and trainer, Olga, has even devised a method for a healthier, solar-cooked version the fried chicken dish that is the local favorite. GJ and Solar Household Energy purchase Global Sun Ovens for distribution throughout local communities from an assembly plant in the DR managed by El Fuego del Sol according to Fair Trade standards. For a limited time, a matching grant allows Solar Household Energy contributors to donate a Sun Oven to a DR or Haitian family for only $119. (A full price Sun Oven costs $279). Take advantage of this opportunity now by using the Network for Good button on this page and marking your donation for the DR.